What is Communication?

Communication is sharing. The word communicate etymologically (in terms of language history) stems from Latin communicare = to share. When someone communicates information, an appointment, an instruction, or a fact, they are sharing something with their environment. Ideally.

My Definition of Communication

“Communication occurs when a signal is interpreted identically in at least two places.”

Who Communicates with Whom or What with What?

People communicate with other people. Management teams or governments share decisions. Brain regions exchange signals.

What Causes Communication to Fail?

Communication fails when senders and receivers use different formats of exchange or interpret incoming signals in a way that is not in line with the sender’s intention.

Are There Misunderstandings in the Brain?

Yes, premature assumptions, conclusions, and reflexive decisions occur regularly.

Communication, Information Exchange, Brain Regions, Management Teams, Governments, Signals

Hyponyms and Hypernyms:
Hyponyms: Communication forms (nonverbal, digital, analog), Communication disorders, Neuronal communication, Interpersonal communication
Hypernyms: Exchange, Interaction, Signal transmission

LSI Keywords (Latent Semantic Indexing):
Information exchange, Signal transmission, Communication models, Misunderstandings, Sender-receiver model, Information processing, Neuroscientific communication

Co-occurrences (Word pairs):
Communication + Information
Brain + Signals
Sender + Receiver

Communication: clear, understandable, targeted, efficient, interactive
Signals: neuronal, unambiguous, ambiguous

Often overlooked semantic concepts:
Metacommunication: Reflection on the communication process itself
Communication barriers: Physical, psychological, and cultural obstacles
Communication structures in organizations: How hierarchies influence communication